Ich habe vor drei oder vier Jahren ein Lied im Radio gehört.?
Anja H
2007-06-26 00:24:26 UTC
Musik: Rapp? Inhalt: ein Schwarzer beschwert sich, dass er als Farbiger bezeichnet wird. Inhalt deutsch: lila ... rot.. etc. Der Refrain:
... and you've got the nerv to call me colored?? Wer sang das und wie heißt das Lied. (3-5 Jahre)
Vier antworten:
2007-06-26 00:35:34 UTC
Das ist, denke ich, Tongue Forrest mit mit "And you've got the nerve to call me coloured".

Liebe Grüße Mandarinchen
2007-06-26 00:58:30 UTC
hi.. hab die maxi-cd zuhaus.. ist Tongue Forest feat. LaMont Humphrey.. titel : And you got the fuc.... nerve to call me coloured.. bye.. maik... p.s ist 1999 in deutschland erschienen
2007-06-26 00:40:26 UTC
Ist es das?

Es müsste "And you've got the nerve to call me coloured" heißen.

A Mexican man walks into a cafe one early

morning and noticed that he was the only

Mexican man there.As he sat down, he noticed a

white man behind him.The white man said,

"Colored people are not allowed here."

The Mexican man turned around and stood up.He

then said:

"listen Pendejo....when i was born, i was


"When i grew up, i was BROWN, "

"When i'm sick, i'm BROWN, "

"When i go in the sun, i'm BROWN, "

"When I'm cold, i'm BROWN, "

"When i die, i'll be BROWN."

But you pendejo...."

"When you're born, you're pink, "

"When you grow up, you're white, "

"When you're sick, you're green, "

"When you go in the sun, you turn red, "

"When you're cold, you turn blue, "

"And when you die, you turn purple."

"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"

"Chinga tu madre, puto!!!
damian l
2007-06-26 02:25:27 UTC
damian HALLO?

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